Security vetting
Integrating security vetting into your ATS can help you to identify candidates who meet your organisation’s security standards, reduce the risk of security breaches, and protect your organisation’s reputation.
Making sure you have completed your due diligence on your offered candidates
You have found an amazing candidate who has made it through your rigorous selection process. The last thing that you as an organisation would want to do, is avoid taking that final step to ensure they meet your security standards, by not completing a comprehensive background check.
Through our integration with Capita and Security Watchdog, engage|ats can streamline the process of requesting background checks for successful candidates. Whether it is a basic, standard or enhanced check, the results can feedback into engage and form part of any export into a HR information system.
Tip: It is critical to know which type of test (basic, standard or enhanced) is needed for the role you are filling.

Getting Started
Setting up engage|ats is simple and quick, we can even help you: