Ensuring that vacancies published on engage|ats can be accessed by all is a key objective and something we monitor very closely. engage|ats is WCAG 2.2 AA compliant and we regularly check our system to ensure it remains so.
Enhanced accessibility with accessiBe
We have partnered with accessiBe, one of the world’s leading accessibility solutions to provide even more support to our users.
accessiBe uses a two-part solution to achieve accessibility. The first part is a toolbar that sits on top of engage|ats and allows users to customise the interface based on their needs. The toolbar includes a wealth of assistive features including a screen reader, keyboard navigation, colour contrast adjustments, and font size adjustments.
The second part of accessiBe is an AI-powered engine that scans engage|ats and makes dynamic code changes to improve accessibility. The engine uses machine learning algorithms to identify and correct accessibility issues providing ongoing improvement.
Tip: Whilst we try our best to ensure every aspect of engage|ats meets accessibility guidelines, we’re always open to suggestions on how we might improve. As a client of engage|ats, you will have access to our Helpdesk facility, where any issues can be raised and tracked to completion.
Need some help?
Accessibility is an important issue for SaaS and websites but also for documentation in digital format, imagery and video. If you need any help on this we have our own Creative and Studio teams who are experts in Accessibility.

Getting Started
Setting up engage|ats is simple and quick, we can even help you: